ok, i figured i'd give you guys some "ear candy" for Christmas... '09 is gonna really be the year of the lyricist... notice i said "lyricist" and not "rapper". Charles Hamilton is gonna be a force to be reckoned with next year along with a host of others... LET'S GET IT!!
Charles Hamilton-Loser
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
just in time for Christmas come another hot one from Mr. Lambo Moss... i'm predicting that '09 is gonna be his year.... this is a lil freestyle over Ron Brownz "jumping out the window" which is a hot lil joint...
for those of you that have not heard the original... here it is....
Ron Brownz is about to create a REAL problem in the industry... shout out to T-Pain for bringing back the auto-tune... definitely gave music a much needed facelift (i'm not paying for it though, lol)
for those of you that have not heard the original... here it is....
Ron Brownz is about to create a REAL problem in the industry... shout out to T-Pain for bringing back the auto-tune... definitely gave music a much needed facelift (i'm not paying for it though, lol)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another One?!
i'm gonna make a few of y'all mad... but u may wanna download the "half man half dog" mixtape.... LAMBO MOSS!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
IT'S COMIN'.....!!!
ok, so your favorite goon is dropping his much anticipated but not as much promoted 3rd album "da REAList" on tuesday. so, we've all known him to put at least one "mama" song on each album... this is what i think is the best today... the video is a good look also....
Saturday, December 13, 2008
ok, y'all know i have to drop a new joint from your little sister's favorite rapper (LOL) every now and then... i'm not sure why this "bricks" joint is just now getting hot, but i'm glad it is... cuz it's HOT!!
bring da GUNZ out... CORY GUNZ that is!
ok, so i'll admit i was kinda skeptical about this cory gunz kid at first... but after watching a few of his freestyles, i'm sure any music lover would change their mind... just check him out...
changed your mind yet?
changed your mind yet?
FINALLY!! Brooklyn Girls Video
ok, so j. martin posted it a few hours before i did, but i'm just glad the video finally dropped! i rocks with c. hamilton, this cat could walk through northpark mall and fit in with the jsu, tougaloo, and belhaven english majors... doesn't have the "rapper look" at all... i think that's what makes him different... he'll probably sell a million copies of any album he ever drops... but i'm sure when it's all said & done... the REAL will recognize the REAL...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Dedication 3!!!
i know it's been out for a few weeks now, but this is what i think is the ILLEST song on the dedication 3. take the best rapper in canada and the best rapper in the US and what do you have? THIS.....
ok people calm down! y'all know i got a 9-5 so i can't really fuck with this blog shit everyday like i would like to. but for ALL your music & urban news needs, check my boy out at http://blackpeterpan.blogspot.com
but, while i'm here, i might as well drop y'all with with i think is gonna be the 2009 "ballin" or "make it rain", this arab money remix features all the cats that are REALLY gettin money. if you don't like it.... you must be BROKE!!!
but, while i'm here, i might as well drop y'all with with i think is gonna be the 2009 "ballin" or "make it rain", this arab money remix features all the cats that are REALLY gettin money. if you don't like it.... you must be BROKE!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So, initially I refused to post a blog about the recent Presidential election results... because they are just that... RESULTS! There is nothing that anyone can say or do to change the outcome of the election. So, I was going to let it be. The following video prompted me do to so......
let me start off by saying this... "muslim" is not a race, it's a religion... from the looks of things (not judging... yes i am) she's the one that should have voted for Obama... looks like she could use a serious tax cut! Secondly... it wasn't the "black people" that voted Obama in office. let's state the facts....
-African Americans accounted for 13% of the total votes on Nov 4th.
Let's just ASSUME that every black person that voted, voted for Obama (which we know is NOT true) but... Thats only 8,501,163 people of the 65,393,358 voters that voted for Obama... let's do SIMPLE MATH! That's 56,892,159 NON BLACKS that voted for Obama.... Mr McCain managed to tally 57,410,574 votes himself. So it's pretty safe to say that WITHOUT the African American votes... Obama could have still managed to win. So, completely disregarding that ignorant video posted above. I would like to thank WORKING CLASS AMERICA for voting for Barack Obama. These are people like Joe the Plumber... who probably changed his mind and decided to vote for Obama after he was denied a personal loan & a small business loan & a grant to "buy" a plumbing company. He also probably changed his mind after the IRS attached a tax lien to his home, or he may have voted for Obama so he could afford to go to school and actually become a licensed plumber (which he currently IS NOT). Either way it goes for these right wing conservatives, moving out of the country WILL NOT help you any. The countries you speak of moving to are just as bad off as we are. SO, with all these FACTS pointed out.... I'll just say that I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Now, for the ones that believe our country is "screwed" (censored) because of the recent election of a "tax & spend liberal" let's take a look at some more FACTS!!
-3 of our last 4 Presidents have been "fiscal conservatives"
-Nixon=$200 billion deficit
-George H.W. Bush=$300 billion deficit
-George W. Bush=$482 billion deficit....
now, let's look at our last "tax and spend liberal" President
-Bill Clinton=$200 billion SURPLUS!!
I'm tired of writing, hopefully I've shed just a bit of light on the ignorance that surrounds us.... TO BE CONTINUED......
let me start off by saying this... "muslim" is not a race, it's a religion... from the looks of things (not judging... yes i am) she's the one that should have voted for Obama... looks like she could use a serious tax cut! Secondly... it wasn't the "black people" that voted Obama in office. let's state the facts....
-African Americans accounted for 13% of the total votes on Nov 4th.
Let's just ASSUME that every black person that voted, voted for Obama (which we know is NOT true) but... Thats only 8,501,163 people of the 65,393,358 voters that voted for Obama... let's do SIMPLE MATH! That's 56,892,159 NON BLACKS that voted for Obama.... Mr McCain managed to tally 57,410,574 votes himself. So it's pretty safe to say that WITHOUT the African American votes... Obama could have still managed to win. So, completely disregarding that ignorant video posted above. I would like to thank WORKING CLASS AMERICA for voting for Barack Obama. These are people like Joe the Plumber... who probably changed his mind and decided to vote for Obama after he was denied a personal loan & a small business loan & a grant to "buy" a plumbing company. He also probably changed his mind after the IRS attached a tax lien to his home, or he may have voted for Obama so he could afford to go to school and actually become a licensed plumber (which he currently IS NOT). Either way it goes for these right wing conservatives, moving out of the country WILL NOT help you any. The countries you speak of moving to are just as bad off as we are. SO, with all these FACTS pointed out.... I'll just say that I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Now, for the ones that believe our country is "screwed" (censored) because of the recent election of a "tax & spend liberal" let's take a look at some more FACTS!!
-3 of our last 4 Presidents have been "fiscal conservatives"
-Nixon=$200 billion deficit
-George H.W. Bush=$300 billion deficit
-George W. Bush=$482 billion deficit....
now, let's look at our last "tax and spend liberal" President
-Bill Clinton=$200 billion SURPLUS!!
I'm tired of writing, hopefully I've shed just a bit of light on the ignorance that surrounds us.... TO BE CONTINUED......
the dude never ceases to amaze me... lambo moss once again. my new favorite rapper... nah, just kiddin... he's up there now tho!! i'm not too crazy about his choice of beats when he flows... but nonetheless... HE KILLS IT!!
ok, so i know this song is a few months old. but, it's MY jam of the week! if you haven't heard it... u might wanna take a listen! here's "jockin' jay-z" produced by kanye west....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
BOW.... & don't forget the WOW!!
ok, i know this is my second BOW WOW post... but i gotta do it. i told ya'll last time that the lil dude stepped his came up FOR REAL (ghost writer or not). like i said before... i rocks with the dude (no homo). check out why i say this....
"little rocks in my chain, i call 'em arkansas"
New Jack City Part II COMING SOON!!
"little rocks in my chain, i call 'em arkansas"
New Jack City Part II COMING SOON!!
Swagger Like Us Video????
hold your horses people... it's not actually a REAL video. but, it is worth taking a look at once or twice. the cat the put this together really put some time and effort into it... check it out
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tonight is the night! The first episode of ROYAL TV will begin filming tonight on the streets of Jackson. If you see the cameras, don't be shy! Tell us what you wanna see & or hear on the show. We'll also be at the parade Saturday morning and all over the city Saturday afternoon & night. Support your local artists, poets, athletes, business professionals, etc... by simply watching the show on Myspace, YouTube, Facebook or blogspot & commenting. It's that easy! Thanks for the support!
This weeks segments will include:
"The Chop Up"; barber/beauty shop talk
"In the Streets":street interviews
Special Musical Guest: 7-1 (myspace.com/sevenoneelz)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So, the movement is underway! There are a lot of motivated people backing this idea. Currently we need at least one correspondant (preferably two:male & female) from the following schools: Jackson State, Milsaps, Belhaven & Hinds CC. This is your chance to become a campus celebrity. Royal TV will pay any admission charges for you to cover any event for them. Sound like a deal? If interested please submit a your name & contact info to jacksonroyaltv@gmail.com. Include the name of the school you would like to represent. Sending photos is NOT required but suggested (we're not shallow) We also need camera people (we will provide cameras).
Any thing that you feel could make the show better? Drop us an email. Tell us where you would like us to go, who you want to see. We'll even promote your party on the show?
Got fresh music? You could be our musical guest! Hit us up! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON?!!!!
Thanks in advance
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
King Lewie TV?
Yeah, that's right. The first installment of King Lewie TV will be filmed this weekend before, during & after JSU Homecoming events. Segments will include: What's Hot?, Fashion Police, Jackson Exposed, Special Musical Guest & MANY more. Casting is happening now... Stay tuned for more details.
THIS JUST IN: CONFIRMED musical guest 7-1. This dude is HOT. Get familiar with him myspace.com/sevenoneelz
THIS JUST IN: CONFIRMED musical guest 7-1. This dude is HOT. Get familiar with him myspace.com/sevenoneelz
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What ever happened to.....
....BUBBA SPARXXX??? dude could kinda spit. I actually bought the album. This is a single from his '01 album "Dark days, Bright nights". When this dropped I was a Sophomore at Clinton High driving a '95 Hyundai Elantra working at Kroger.... GOOD DAYS!
ok, so I have to edit this post... cuz I just heard a new song that Bubba has with Ray J... & it's actually kinda hot
ok, so I have to edit this post... cuz I just heard a new song that Bubba has with Ray J... & it's actually kinda hot
The jam of the week comes from the one and only High School Valedictorian/ Goon Algernod Lanier Washington aka "PLIES". This is his newest single "Heard of Me" from his much anticipated third album "Da Relist" (that's how it's spelled) in stores December 16th. Guest appearance are confirmed to be Dizasta, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled, Ace Hood, Ciara, T-Pain and R. Kelly!
He goes BOTH ways!!

ok, so the new word on the street is that former Secretary of State Colin Powell goes both ways. No, I don't mean he's a fuitcake. This morning he announced that supports Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama..... NOW THAT'S WHAT'S UP! Check out this link from the New York Times... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/20/us/politics/20campaign.html?ref=politics
I'm feelin' like Same Cooke this morning......
Saturday, October 18, 2008
ok, so I know that the HOTTEST cat on the blog sites right now is Drake. He deserves it. "Ransom" and "Man of the Year"..... HOT!! and I'm not saying that because of the co-author to the two tracks either. The boy goes hard.... but I'm here to to talk about another emerging problem in the game...... BOW WOW! That's right I said it. Mr Lamborghini Moss aka... "LIL" Bow Wow. This dude, at 21 has seen more longevity in the game than most rappers dream of. If he sells only one album Dec 9, Damnit it'll be the one I get from best buy. check the lil dude out and see what I'm talking about http://youtbue.com/princebowwow
Changed your mind yet? Ghost writer or not (I'll go with NOT) the lil kid has stepped his game up. So, when you're posted up outside of the club & you hear Bow Wow blasting from down the street...... YEAH IT'S ME!! I won't lose respect for the dude until he sells dope or kills someone in his rhymes. Hate all you want; in MY HONEST opinion.... he's the realest cat in the game. He raps about what he knows... money, cars and a few women. The rest of these dudes out here are in the booth telling you consumers what you like to hear. CASE CLOSED!
Changed your mind yet? Ghost writer or not (I'll go with NOT) the lil kid has stepped his game up. So, when you're posted up outside of the club & you hear Bow Wow blasting from down the street...... YEAH IT'S ME!! I won't lose respect for the dude until he sells dope or kills someone in his rhymes. Hate all you want; in MY HONEST opinion.... he's the realest cat in the game. He raps about what he knows... money, cars and a few women. The rest of these dudes out here are in the booth telling you consumers what you like to hear. CASE CLOSED!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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