we'll, just call today "ladies night". so, keeping with the theme... i'll throw you some new 'ish! now, most of the women that read this are college women or recent college grade that are still payin on their student loans... but, they LOVE fashion (as you should). well, i know only a hand full can actually afford the new Loubies... so I won't even mention the Red Bottoms again... but I do have an alternative... if you wanna be just a fly, just scoot on over to www.aldoshoes.com (which is one of my FAVORITE SITES, since we don't have an Aldo around here) and check out their new spring/summer '09 line... here are a few of the new heels that I personally wouldn't mind seeing a woman in....

They are fly, but won't hit your pockets nearly as hard as Louies or Prada's... so GO... GET... FLY...!!
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