Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Let's get serious...

I was prompted today to write a post about "real life issues" and the conversation that I had led to the subject (or the broad topic) of single parents. Now, I heard a conversation the other day that went a little something like this:
Black male:I love to see happy black families
White male:Yeah, me too, but there aren't many of them.
Black male:You're right.

Now, should I, as a black male, have gotten offended.... at the truth?! Well, I think (& have not done any research) that the number of single family homes in other communities may be just as high as the number of single family homes in the black community. I think that there are a few variables that so far offset the single black families. It's been seen that single white mothers/fathers tend to re-marry more than single black mothers/fathers.... or tend to get married (if they have not already been married before). Also, due to the high teen pregnancy rate in the black community, single black parents tend not to be as.... I hate to say smart but we'll use "educated" as single white parents, Thus, they lack to resources needed to find the higher paying jobs, thus lacking the funds to care for the child alone.... can you see where I'm going with this. It's a domino effect! Also, more than likely a single white mother has both parents in the picture. Where, on the onther hand, a single black mother is more than likely the product of... well, a single parent.

There are a few things that I absolutely despise:
1.a man that doesn't take care of his kids. (mine are VERY WELL taken care of). No matter what your situation with the mother... don't let that keep you from doing what you have to do to maintain a healthy relationship with your child. My daughter will be 4 next month & I haven't had a conversation with her mother in probably 2 years but, I promise that my daughter sees her daddy, knows who I am, and knows that she is well taken care of. She wants for absolutely NOTHING! Dont' get me wrong, it's not about the money or buying expensive clothes or shoes... it's about TIME!

2.Keeping in tune with the money thing, I hate to see a man/woman with the nicest, lastest fashions... and your child looks thrown away. Like I said... it's not about the money but, your kids come FIRST! If you have $165 to spend on Jordans... you should have money to have your kids looking decent! Or, opt for the less expensive (but equally fashinonable) Air Force 1's and buy your sond/daughter a decend pair of shoes. I dress nice... & so do my kids! once you start seeing by children looking a HOT MESS.... something is wrong. I'm a Regular at Children's Place, Gymboree and GAP Kids... please believe me!

Please don't think I'm telling you how to raise your kids. But, I am SUGGESTING that we, as a whole, get a better grib on reality. We must realize that children have a 70% better change of graduating high school with a male and a female both present in the home. I'll assume that my thoughts/opinions come from my up-bringing. My parents have been happily married for 30 years (will be 31 years next month). So, I had an example to follow. If you didn't have the same... you should want the same for your kids. I applaud all single mothers and single fathers that are doing it on their own! Just know that the cycle must be broken. WE MUST DO BETTER!

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